Thursday, February 7, 2013

Now Kris may hurt Kim's baby?!

So unless you live under a rock, you're probably aware that despite being separated for nearly a year and a half, Kim Kardashian is still Mrs. Humprhies.  After the two married in a supposedly $10 Mil ceremony, she filed for divorce just 72 days later.  The shock and hilarity of the move came within weeks after the wedding aired on E!, drawing the networks highest ratings ever.

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After lots of jokes and punch lines, most of the world thought for sure the divorce would be completed within a few months - about a much time the two were together.  Unfortunately, the Hump has managed to drag the ordeal out for much longer.  The two could have come to an agreement moved on by now but Kris keeps standing in the way.

As we are all going on pure speculation and not actual facts seeing as though we are all just outsiders looking inm- there have been several, ever changing reports as to why.  At first it was reported that Kris sought an annulment over divorce as a prenup stipulated that he would not be able to discuss their marriage afterward.  An annulment would be sort of like saying the marriage never happened so the rules would not apply and he could (and probably would) go on and proceed to trash talk the celebutante and her family.  Kim refused to comply.

Tho still married, she moved on, only adding fuel to the fire.  Some time around Spring 2012, Aunt KiKi(as nephew Mason calls her) began dating rapper Kanye West and by all accounts, the couple have been in love and inseparable ever since.  As a New Year's present to every gossip column and paparazzo in the world, the pair announced that they are expecting a visit from the stork.

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So why isn't she unmarried yet? Kris has been out of the picture for over a year.  We thought Kris wanted an annulment and if reports are accurate, she was ready to give him one a few weeks ago.  So why the hold up?

I guess that would just be too.....easy, huh? It started that Kris wanted Kim to admit that their marriage was a publicity stunt. Then he was upset she moved on.  Sometime after that, it was reported that he enjoyed making Kanye, he's just doing it just because he can. 

So my advice to Mr. Humphries: ENOUGH ALREADY.  It's over.  Let it go.  You have spent more time than you  two were together embarrassing yourself without the help of any Kardashian.  At first you had some sort of public sympathy and now we're almost rooting for Kim - who thought THAT would ever happen.  I get it, you were eaten by the Kardashian publicity monster, you were roped in to a marriage that made you a laughing stock but here's the good news, we've moved on and we have much more to amuse ourselves with-  BeyoncĂ© lip-synching, Rih Rih and Breezy, Kenya Moore and if nothing else, we can always turn on an episode of Honey Boo Boo.

According to Perez and NY Post, Kris even turned down a $10 Mil divorce settlement? $10 Mil?! If he were tryin to hold out for bragging rights, does he REALLY think that he can make up that much later? After dragging all this out, does he truly believe anyone will pay that amount after all the fodder he's brought on himself? Maybe i'm just too broke but I woulda taken that and ran and let's face it bruh, you're not Kobe - you might be wantin that ka-ching later.  Besides, at this point the public knows most of the details - your old news, not much of a story there.

Now, it is reported that the stress of the divorce may harm Kim and Kanye's unborn child.  The record is scratching, the crazy dramatics that make this whole ordeal seem more like an opera is drawing to a close and the fat lady is singing. The fun and games are over.

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At first, one would think Humphries behavior was that of a truly earth shattered, saddened groom.  But at this point, he's way past that.  This is just mean and quite frankly, Kris Humphries gives the rest of us angry heartbroken exes a bad name.

Just sign the papers and move on dude.  She has.

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